We create value for our clients by identifying and providing the best people within the Fintech market.

We take the best of the traditional search industry and enhance it with new practices to support the demands of our clients. Our experience, along with an agile approach, best-in-class technology and no geographic constraints, means that we deliver outstanding results.

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Great people are the beating heart of every organisation, and they have the potential to transform any business.

Our business model, based on ongoing partnerships, is specifically designed to support and partner with leaders and organisations to equip them with the best possible teams to drive their projects forward and ensure success. Partnering means genuinely understanding our clients’ businesses; allowing us to give better advice and provide more creative bespoke solutions.

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Ftechfolk interact daily with some of the most successful Fintech founders, technical innovators and product developers so that we maintain constant knowledge of new trends and technical innovation - and most importantly the people involved. Our technical knowledge means we can tell brilliance from bullshit and our business model means we put our money where our mouth is.

We don’t dilute our services by trying to cover multiple markets, instead we focus purely on Fintech, Start-ups and their supply chains.

This focus has allowed us to build outstanding networks of people directly relevant to our clients’ needs.

We also know how important career moves are for everyone. Ftechfolk always work in a highly discreet and confidential manner.

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