Why Us

Ftechfolk was created by Fintech people for Fintech companies. We are not constrained by international borders and do not dilute our services by diversifying into multiple markets.

We support Fintech clients across the globe, enabling us to tap into both international and local talent pools, ensuring we provide the best possible advice and guidance for our clients, whether for search mandates or consulting projects.

Chart with hands on desk
Three men looking at a laptop computer

We work only within the Fintech sector and are heavily involved in offering guidance and advice for new start-up / stealth mode Fintech’s in the creation of their management structure. We are highly pro-active in our approach to securing the best possible people - the large majority of whom are not actively seeking a move.

Our unique approach has also allowed us to deliver great people to our clients at a cost that is highly competitive with contingency methods but with far better results!